Bestway Ag - Certified DJI Agras Dealer/Distributor - (270) 887-8550
Remote ID Enforcement Now Active

Remote ID Enforcement Now Active

Remote ID Enforcement Now Active

As of Saturday, March 16, 2024 the Federal Aviation Administration will begin enforcement of Remote ID for all UAS (unmanned aerial system - or drones).

According to the FAA, Remote ID is "the ability of a drone in flight to provide identification and location information that can be received by other parties through a broadcast signal." It is being rolled out to help lay the foundation for increased safety and security as more complex drone operations become commonplace.

This system will help the FAA, law enforcement and other federal agencies locate the control station of a UAS (drone) when it appears to be flying in an unsafe manner or if it is operating in areas that are prohibited.

All of the DJI Agriculture drones sold by Bestway Ag, or through our authorized dealer network, are Remote ID compliant. There is nothing additional you need to do if you are operating one of these units.

The Remote ID serial is also the preferred method for registering your drones with the FAA. Look for number that begins with 1581F. It is located on the airframe of an Agras T40 or T20P and inside the battery compartment of a Mavic 3M. You may also find this number listed inside the software on your remote controller.

For more information on Remote ID and how it can impact you, please visit the FAA's Remote ID webpage.

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