Do you have any customers who are veterans and suffer from PTSD? If so, there is BIG NEWS on the drone front!
Our partner, Veteran Drone Services, has successfully petitioned the FAA to WAIVE the 3rd class medical requirement under certain conditions during Part 137 operations.
Here is how it works:
Day (single, swarm, no VO ops) = 3rd class medical OR “ the UAS must be operated in a highly automated manner in which control of the UA rests solely within the UAS automated software with only minimal manual control input necessary for UA launch and recovery, or abnormal situations.”
Night (single, swarm, no VO ops) = must have 3rd class medical under EVERY scenario.
If you are interested in learning more, please give us a call at (270)887-8550 and ask to speak to Rhyan Syester of Veteran Drone Services, or visit Jonathan Rupprecht's site.